ISSN 1012-2966 |
The BOLIVIANA MEDICAL GAZETTE, is the official magazine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of San Simón, organ of scientific diffusion, it was one of the first scientific journals Bolivia. Since its founding in April 1943, it has been an important knowledge sharing among medical scientists in the country average. Currently published biannually (June and December). Publishes original articles, review articles, case reports and letters to the editor, and others related to the field of medicine and its specialties, and issues aimed at health professionals and medical students and physicians in training. Within the editorial policies it is provided for peer review (peer review) blind, according to the stipulations of the International Committee of Biomedical Journal Editors (ICMJE, for its acronym in English). The published articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of MEDICAL GAZETTE BOLIVIANA or institution to which they belong. Total or partial reproduction of the contents of this journal without the express permission of the editors of MEDICAL GAZETTE BOLIVIANA is prohibited. |
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Bolivian Medical Gazette is the official magazine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of San Simón. |
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