no more than 250 words briefly points out, the material studied, the method used, the results, and achieved the objectives set in the introduction, adding the corresponding keywords.
No more than 250 words with their respective keywords in English.
It should include keywords in Castilian and English not exceeding a total of 6 words.
It will be a brief historical and current state exposure problem to be studied, the author ala briefly and clearly that constitutes his personal contribution as well as the reasons for the investigation and the objectives sought to do the job.
Corresponds indicate the center where the experiment was conducted or investigation, the time has lasted mention patients as to their origin, number, age and sex, indicating details of the method used
only if it features little known. It should be checked that the methodology is appropriate to the stated objective.
It will consist of a strict description of the results obtained with the material used, without adding comments or comparisons with other publications. It must be expressed clearly and have a satisfactory statistical analysis, the results are reported here are not interpreted.
The author or co-authors in this space offer their own opinions on a discussion of the most important results, which can be compared with other publications.
It should be monitored that the comment is relevant to the above results, not going off the subject. The findings, if any, should be a direct consequence of the results obtained.
Express your thanks only to individuals and institutions that contributed to their work.
The citation should follow the instructions in the Index Medicus, ie: surname of the authors followed by initials of his name. If there are six or more mentions only the first three and add "et al or et al." Full title of the work in its original language. Abbreviated journal name, year of publication, volume, first and last page. It is limited to a maximum of 40 references.
Eg. Crivellari D, Bonetti C., Gertsch M., et al. "Burdens and benefits of adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil and tamoxifen for breast elderly Patients With. The International Breast Cancer Study Group Trial VII". J. Clin. Oncol. 2000; 18: 1412-1422.
Eg. Lohrisch C., Di Leo A., Piccart Mj. "Optimal adjuvant therapy for breast cancer cytotoxic". The Breast. 2001; (3): 106-113.
Eg. Benavides C. Postoperative External Digestive fistulas. Rev. Chil. Cir.1999; 40: 145-148.
The volume can go in Roman or Arabic numerals. No need to put the word "Volume".
References to texts or books will be indicated in the same order, surnames and initials of all authors. Book title or text in your language originates, publisher, city country, edition, year, first and last page. (If all the book or text is taken not score pages)
Goligher eg J. Surgery Year -. Rectum and colon. Salvat Editores. Barcelona Spain 2nd Edition. 1987.
Eg. Farreras P. Internal Medicine Editorial Harcourt-Brace. Madrid Spain. 13 Edition Vol 1. 1998: 288-307..
If or text book chapters: surnames and initials of the authors of the chapter, chapter title, authors and book publishers, book title, edition, publisher, city, year, initial and final page.
ILUSTRACIONES.- (graphs, charts and photographs)
They should always be expressed in Castilian. They should come in separate text pages and each other, clearly indicating their numbers.
Take a title that briefly and clearly express its content, if appropriate, an explanatory legend.
Figures should go with a legend on a separate sheet.
Photographs or reproductions of photographs in black and white or color, must be of good technical quality suitable for reproduction. Must have 9 x 12 cm. and on a separate sheet briefly and clearly express its content.
The original works will have a maximum length of 2,500 words or 12 veneers, letter size, double spaced, including tables, illustrations, abstract and bibliography.
Clinical cases: be limited to 1,500 words or 5 to 10 veneers same characteristics. All of them with no less than 2.5 cm margin. on all edges of the work.
L.- Case. They are works intended to describe one or more cases, the author deems of special interest.
a.-Introduction.- Somera description of the complexity of the case due
its clinical innovation in both frequency, complexity diagnostic, therapeutic complexity, etc.
b.- Description.- description of the case with margins to support their study and / or treatment.
c.- Comentario.- Pertinent to patient management, in terms of diagnosis,
management alternatives, etc.
2. documents.- can be of various kinds as a university problem,
hospital, teaching, extension, diffusion, etc. In which the article may develop in up to 10 pages.
3. Reviews Bibliográficas.- are articles in which an updated meta-analysis or a particular topic which may include tables, charts, personal casuistry or department review is presented. In a maximum 10 pages with updated bibliography.
Four . Communications: works are abstract medical or scientific experience
or short studies that an author wants comuinicar
5. histroria of articles dealing Medicine.- are sore history of medicine in general or particular history of institutions related to medicine. It has no specifc format, but requires the temsa be treated seriously.
6. Department Meetings.- Meetings, Conferences and Roundtables which can be recorded and then written for publication in our journal, with a maximum of 12 pages.
7. Noticias.- academic News communications and letters revealing the activities of academic interest developed in different units, such as postgraduate courses, stays improvement, attendance at conferences, awards, etc. In which there is involvement of the department.
8. Letters to Editor.- Letters to the editor are comments about any material previously published in the journal or personal opinions deemed of immediate interest, communication must have a title. Its extension should be two to four pages double-spaced over a single illustration.
9. Selection trabajos.- The editorial committee will select as principal of each issue, this work stands out for its quality and importance.
10. Number of autores.- Bolivian Medical Gazette has set a maximum number of 6 authors. Exceptionally authors may be provided fully justify the participation of all, for which the pricipal author should contact the editorial committee in writing.