ISSN 2616-7964



Basic Information

The Horizontes Journal is a means of scientific and humanistic dissemination, specialized in the area of ​​education, created by the Centro de Estudios Transdiciplinarios Bolivia, under the orientation or modality of open access. This journal seeks to position itself in the main indexing portals, through the quality scientific research that will be published in it. It has an international scope, and is open to all teachers and researchers.

Furthermore, the journal Horizontes is a periodical publication with a quarterly appearance, in Spanish, peer-reviewed under the double-blind system; it is an open access journal. Its purpose is to achieve the difussion and dissemination of the advances and results of scientific and humanistic research of the educational fact, with a multidisciplinary approach within education and social sciences in a national and international context.

It is aimed at researchers, teachers, students and other people involved in the educational event. The articles received by Horizontes will be reviewed, refereed and accepted, according to the results obtained by the evaluation for their subsequent edition and publication.

The Horizontes editing process is subject to the norms and quality control standards, guaranteeing the originality, relevance and timeliness of the accepted and published articles through the establishment of ethical principles and policies to stop plagiarism.



This journal is filed on the following indexes:



By submitting an article for evaluation, the authors accept that they transfer the publication rights to the Research Journal Sciences of Education Horizontes , for publication in any medium. In order to increase their visibility, the documents are sent to databases and indexing systems, they can also be consulted on the website of the Journal: . Finally, the Journal complies with everything concerning copyright, the intellectual property regulations of the Centro de Estudios Transdisciplinarios Bolivia, which can be found at the following address:



Financed by the Centro de Estudios Transdisciplinarios Bolivia (CET-Bolivia).

The Horizontes journal is edited and published by Editorial CET, with an institutional budget from the economic contributions generated by the publication of academic books, this in order to widen the gaps in scientific publishing in the Latin American and Caribbean region.


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© 2020  Centro de Estudios Transdisciplinarios Bolivia

Huayna Potosi Ave. N° 48. Nuevos Horizontes III El Alto.
Phone: (591) 7 200 9229
La Paz - Bolivia