ISSN 2225-8787
printed version



The sending of the texts to be published can be made to the following email:

Likewise, it can be done in a magnetic media to the Research, Science and Technology Office of the Universidad Mayor, Real and Pontifical of San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca University (No. 46, Aniceto Arce Street), or to the 212 box of Sucre, Bolivia.


Standards for articles to be accepted

The submitted papers must be original and unpublished and must not be in the process of evaluation in another media. The articles must be sent in printed and electronic version, following the following rules:

  • Original articles must have a minimum of 7,000 words and a maximum of 10,000 words.
  • Use font type Arial 12, double spaced.
  • The bibliographical references should correspond with the references used in the document, according to the norm of the American Psychological Association (APA) or Vancouver.

They must also include the following information on the first page:

  • Title of the article (in Spanish and English),
  • Author (s)
  • Email address of the author
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Keywords (maximum six, both in Spanish and English).
  • Abstract of the paper in Spanish and English in a maximum of 250 words


Evaluation and approval of articles process

Once the articles have been received, the members of the Editorial Board send them to the evaluators for approval or rejection. If approved with suggestions, the text will be returned to the authors, so that, within an agreed period, it is forwarded for publication.

The evaluation and approval of the articles is done under the modality of "double blind", in order to keep the discretion of both the author and the evaluator. This guarantees the inexistence of conflict of interest in the publication. At the end of each article appear the initials of the person in charge of communicating between the author and the reader, as well as the dates of delivery and final approval.

The evaluation is related to strictly academic aspects such as the originality of the article, the relevance, the methodology and its backing and current bibliography.


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© 2019  Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca

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Box 2125
Sucre - Bolivia