ISSN digital: 2518-6868
ISSN print: 2409-1618




Instructions for authors

The Journal of Research and Agricultural Innovation and Natural Resources - RIIARn publishes two issues per volume per year, the main requirement to the authors, is presenting original and unpublished articles according to the rules of publication scientific nature in the areas of irrigation, food security, Socioeconomics Agriculture, Agricultural and Livestock Production also the journal publishes review articles and case studies mentioned in the same areas. The papers submitted to the journal are the result of research conducted at national and international level and must be presented in Spanish.

Presentation features articles

Articles should be sent in digital format to IIAREN email iiaren.umsa@gmail.comUsing the word processor. The author must provide mailing address, email and phone. For external authors, in addition to the above, should include the name of the institution where he works, position or role.

Graphics should preferably be made with Excel, and sent as separate individual files. Maps and photographs should be submitted in individual files, such as scanner images in black and white or color extension with good resolution (200 pdi or 3000 x 2000 pixels) and * .jpg or * .png. and * .jpg format. Tables and charts are sent as text files * .doc and * .excel, to be modifiable. They should annex the database with which they were made.

Articles should be written in letter size. The left and right margin will be 2.5 cm, the top and bottom margins have 3 centimeters. The pages will be numbered from the introduction onwards, this should go to the center, below the page. Except in duly justified cases, the text of scientific articles and essays should not exceed 15 pages including tables and figures, considering an ideal extension of 10 pages.

units of the International System of Units (SI) version should be used. Ex I h-1; he has; t ha-1; kg ha-1; m3 ha-1, etc. All text should be written in Arial font size 10, except the title will be in the same type and size deletra 12 and both legends of tables and figures will have a size 9. We will use single spacing throughout the text.

Article structure

TITLE: It is written in bold capitals Ia center page. Immediately below the title translated into English will be placed, but tiny, in the same font size 12. The title should be short and indicate the nature and content of the article, with a maximum of fifteen words.

AUTHORS: Names and complete, email the lead author, indicating a number of relevant information to the next item names. No titles or degrees will be used. It must be focused and sensitive.

Institution you belong: It is written in the footer with the respective name of authors (), as extended, without abbreviations.

SUMMARY: The title is lowercase, you must synthesize the most relevant aspects of work (motivation, methodology, results, conclusions) with a maximum of 280 words.

KEYWORDS: Words that relate to the topic.

ABSTRACT: Same rules for all, must be the translation.

KEYWORDS: The same keywords, but translated into English, with the same rules as keywords.

INTRODUCTION: It includes motivation, nature, size and purpose of the investigation. It also contains the most relevant aspects of the issue and its relation to similar investigations. This title, as well as all others, must be capitalized, bold and alienated left with the respective numbers.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Brief description of the work location and methodology, with emphasis on the original methods or modifications important techniques or equipment known and used statistical analysis.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results are presented in tables or figures and should not duplicate the information given in the text. The charts must be made variable differentiation between frames, so that the same is observed in published black and white versions (paper publication). They are recognized as the elements figures such as graphs, charts, maps, sketches, drawings, pictures, photographs or any other graphical representations.

Tables and figures should be placed as far as possible on the same page text where it is mentioned. In the case of tables legend should go on top and in the case of figures at the bottom. Avoid excessive colors and negreados and / or italics, except for some photographs if they were strictly necessary. Tables and figures are numbered consecutively. Between legend and text, you must leave at least a single space.

CONCLUSIONS: They must be absolutely consistent with the objectives stated in the text. "Recommendations" may be included.

THANKS: Included when necessary.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL QUOTES:They should appear in the text with the author's name in lowercase and year of publication of the document. When more than three authors, the first author and the remaining will be appointed with the expression "et al.," Which is indicated here. Example: (Geerts et al., 2008).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: the wording of the references should be according to the standard IICA, the list of references should be arranged alphabetically, including only the works cited in the text. When more than 10 authors, the first author and the other with the words "et al.," Be appointed.


Newspaper publication

Forest, H; Lemeur, R; Van Damme, P. 2000. Analysis eco physiological cultivation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), Under stress from drought and salinity. Tropicultura, 18 (2): 198-202.

Summary of conferences, seminars etc.

Marcano, F; Ohep, C. 1987. Effect of tillage, source and nitrogen dose sobrealgunas physical characteristics of the soil and root development of maize (Zea mays L.) in a OxicHaplustalf Yaracuy Middle XII Days Agronomic. Abstracts. Maracay. 233 p.

collective work

Echeverria, HE; Sainz Rozas, M R. 2006. Nitrogen. Echeverria, HE; Garcia, FO (eds.). Soil fertility and crop fertilization. INTA editions. Buenos Aires, Argentina. p. 69-97.


Huanca, R. 2008. Evaluation of different levels of organic manuring and deficit irrigation on growth and yield of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) in the Central Highlands. Lic thesis. La Paz, Bolivia. University of San Andres. 147 p.

Papers presented at conferences, etc.

Lopez I.1989. The phosphorus chemistry and efficient use of fertilizers. I Seminar memory phosphorus Venezuelan agriculture. Caracas Venezuela. p. 12-25.

Books and brochures

Sanchez, P.1981. Soils of the Tropics. And management features. Translated to Spanish; Ediberto Camacho, IICA San Jose, Costa Rica. 634 p.

Internet documents

Quinoa program. 2008.Study of soils royal quinoa production area. South Bolivian altiplano (online). Accessed March 20, 2010. Available at:


Practice of publication

Study design and ethical approval.An investigation must be justified, planned, designed and approved ethically. The Editorial Board makes an ethical management in the valuation of each item subject to review.

Analysis of data. The data must be analyzed, inadequate analysis does not have to involve misconduct. Fabrication and falsification of data itself constitute misconduct. The Editorial Committee will evaluate the data presented scientifically.

Authorship. Authors should take responsibility for a particular section of the study.

Interest conflict. They understand the issues that may not be apparent and that may influence the judgment of author, reviewers and editors. They may be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. The Editorial Committee said that no conflict of interest in its opinions.

peer reviewers. They are experts who are part of the Editorial Committee to provide written opinions, with the aim of improving the study.

Redundant publication. It occurs when two or more papers, without full cross reference, share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points or conclusions.

Plagiarism.Ranging from the use of ideas without references published and unpublished others. It can occur at any stage of planning, research, writing or publication: it applies to print and electronic versions.

Duties of editors. The Editorial Committee must submit the revised articles according to the regulations of the magazine. Their role is to consider and balance the interests of readers, authors, authorities, members of the Editorial Committee, advertisers and media.

Media relations. Research of increasing interest to the print and electronic media. No publications may take premature or inconclusive results.

Advertising. Scientific meetings and publications can lead to advertising revenue or reprints.


Selection process and publication of articles

The main criteria for selecting items are the scientific soundness and originality of the subject. The evaluation process includes a first review by the Editorial Committee to determine whether the item is the editorial line and whether it meets the general criteria for publication.


Stages of publication of the article, are subject to arbitration following:

Receipt of item. Article envoy acknowledge receipt by email within fifteen working days verify whether the manuscript meets the formal requirements specified in the instructions to the author, issuing a request for adjustments or otherwise is passed to the next point.

Review by evaluators.Items that meet the formal requirements specified in the instructions to the author will be sent to expert evaluators of high academic standards in terms of article submitted, the evaluation form also refers. the methodology of "double-blind" arbitration means that the author's identity is not revealed to the reviewer and vice versa applies. The process takes about three months review, during this time, the evaluator may suggest modifications to the original article that can be performed by the author for acceptance of your article.

The magazine does not generate any economic consideration evaluators, why are not subject "forced" to issue the concept, so sometimes you should look for a new assessor or take a little more than estimated.

Comments evaluators must conclude with the following recommendations:

  • Publication unchanged.
  • Publish after corrections.
  • Reformulate according to the suggestions made.
  • Rejected.

Negative evaluation "rejection" is justified in the following cases:

  • If the article presents deficiencies in scientific development and / or in writing.
  • If the information does not respect cintenida copyright.
  • If the item does not correspond to the priority areas of the magazine.

Correction article.Suggestions, corrections, or rejection decision shall be communicated to the author, who may object to a reasoned evaluation or proceed to address the recommendations, activity that take place within the next fifteen days. Reasoned objections will be analyzed and resolved within fifteen working days.

Accepting items

After the evaluation stage, the author will communicate the decision of acceptance or rejection of the article. The article will present date of delivery and acceptance. Works published are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the magazine. The magazine RIIARn inform the author the final evaluation report within a maximum period of six months from the date of receipt of item.


The accepted article will be published in the next issue of the magazine RIIARn space available for the purpose.



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