ISSN 2223-3032 versión impresa |
Instructions for authors "PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH MAGAZINE (RIP) " Scientific Journal of the Research, Interaction and Postgraduate Institute of Psychology ISSN 2223-3032 (Printed) Mission "Disseminate scientific information produced through research from the psychological discipline, promoting the establishment of networks in all areas of psychology, with the purpose of generating changes in society." Goals Respond to the needs of discussion and scientific debate in the different areas of Psychology, taking intra, inter, multi and transdisciplinarity as a perspective. Achieve social impact from the publication of scientific articles. According to the APA format (7th Edition. 2019). Type of documents desired The Revista Investigación Psicológica (RIP) is scientific in nature, it publishes empirical and theoretical articles, essays and original and unpublished bibliographic reviews. Articles from all psychological approaches, application areas, as well as articles from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary with high levels of plurality are accepted. It generates two magazines per year, June (winter) and December (summer), in addition to a special issue. The RIP publishes research that has a social and scientific response. Conflicts of interest The Revista Investigación Psicológica is a document that will avoid conflicts of interest so as not to affect the scientific nature, the editorial process, the authors and the members of the portfolio of reviewers. Authors are recommended to prevent any conflict of interest, and must notify the editor in charge of any conflict of interest. Editorial line The Revista Investigación Psicológica, publishes empirical articles in the first line, theoretical articles, methodological articles, case studies, essays, book reviews. The Editorial Board of the RIP defines the policies and norms for authors, while the members of the Portfolio of Judges read and evaluate the articles submitted for publication. The evaluation modality is carried out according to a format that is provided to the evaluators, under the "double blind pair" logic.
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Editorial review procedure until publication The works are subject to the evaluation of the members of the Portfolio of internal and external Judges and regulated by the Editorial Board, the same ones that consider the thematic relevance and the academic and formal contents. The reviewers sanction the work with the following criteria, a) accepted, b) accepted with suggestions for minor changes, c) accepted with suggestions for major changes, and d) not accepted. These results are notified in an approximate period of 2 months, after which the author has 10 days to make the changes. Once this process is concluded, the author is notified about the result of the final evaluation, accepting or rejecting the work. The sending of any collaboration to the journal implies not only the acceptance of what is established in this document, but also the authorization to the Editorial Committee of the Journal "Investigación Psicológica" to include reprints on its portal, or another system that allows greater and better diffusion. For this, the author or authors must attach a signed letter "letter of responsibility of authorship", where among other aspects, they assign the copyright to the journal. Format for empirical research articles Title: The title must be in Spanish, English, Portuguese and that it does not exceed 15 words, so it must be as short as possible and that it is in relation to the content of the article. If the article is the result of a research or a project, the title of the research and the entity that financed it must be explicitly indicated in the footnote of the title. Abstract: The abstract must be in Spanish (abstract), English (abstract) and Portuguese (abstract). The abstract should be 200 to 250 words. It must be clear and well written, it must not be an outline, nor a list of topics, but an informative and indicative text that includes all the content of the scientific version, the methodology, the results and an idea about the conclusions. At the end of the abstract, 5 keywords will be included, in alphabetical order in Spanish (keywords), English (key words) and Portuguese (words chave). Introduction: The introduction should begin by making a general description of the problem in a theoretical framework or bibliographic review. The hypothesis must be presented in case of its existence, questions, objectives and justification. Method: The approach (qualitative, quantitative or mixed), type of research, research design, techniques, instruments, population, sample and procedure must appear in the method. Results: This section presents the empirical evidence obtained. These can be presented in tables, in text, and in tables and text. The results can be structured by topics or sub-chapters. Discussion: It is the analysis and interpretation of the results, their scope and the relationship with other similar investigations. Conclusions: The conclusions are the expression of the results and the work carried out. It includes, scope, limits and perspectives of the investigation. Bibliographic references: Only the references that are mentioned in the text are included and must be to APA Standards. 7th version and Format for theoretical research articles A theoretical article is the systematic, organized, coherent and well-argued analysis of a topic based on the results of empirical and / or theoretical research. It is important for this type of articles to make the assumptions explicit, support the arguments and clearly establish the conclusions. Instructions for publishing in the Psychological Research Journal -The collaborators, that is, the authors, will accompany their article with a brief reference of the authors at the bottom of the page that contains: full names, institution of membership, brief curriculum (paragraph of 3 to 10 lines), ID.ORCID, email. In the case of more than one author, the main author is the one who has worked the most or who has contributed to the greatest magnitude, he must go to the top of the list and the others in alphabetical order. -The texts will be delivered in simple format in Word and in PDF (In the latter, any identification of the article must be eliminated as self-citations, changing them to (author1) (Author2). And the author in ownership of the file should be eliminated) written in Times font 12-point New Roman, at 1.5 Leading space. for the body of the work, 10 for abstracts and footnotes, 16 for title and 14 for name / s of the author / s. All titles must be listed. The empirical works must be within the range of A4 size pages including text, tables, graphics, photographs and others of 7000 to 8500 words. The percentage tables, graphs and / or photographs should not exceed 30% of the document. The theoretical and methodological works and essays must be in a number of 3500 to 5000 words, the reviews must include from 1000 to 1500 words. -The charts and graphs must be prepared in Word or Excel, the photographs and any other visual element must be of good quality. -The list of bibliographic references must follow alphabetical order (then between citations by the same author, list in chronological order); journals must be cited without abbreviations. -The tables, figures or images of authorship of the researcher or another author, must report the source (author, year, place where it is located, page). If the table, figure or image has restrictions to be published, they must be licensed by the author. -The footnotes should only be used to explain, comment on or complement the text of the article.
1. The Editor and the Editorial Board
Las formas de envio en formato msWord y PDF: Prof. Virna Rivero Herrera Ph.D© |
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