ISSN 2521-2737
Online version



The works will be sent directly to the journal’s editor, to the following e-mail:


Standards for articles to be accepted

The texts to publishing by the journal must be original and unpublished, resulting from projects of investigation, the theoretical reflection on topics inherent to the economic and managerial area. In accordance with it, the journal only will publish three types of works:

  • Original research articles
  • Articles of Review or Theoretical Reflection
  • Recensions
  1. Original research articles: A document product of a project of  investigation that is used to communicate the main original findings, in a certain area or subject matter; in a clear, concise and trustworthy way, with the purpose of contributing to the generation of new knowledge. It is characterized for presenting the following scheme: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliographical references
  2. Articles of Review or Theoretical Reflection: A document resulting from an authorial review that takes a specific phenomenon of the reality as an object of analysis, from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, from the theoretical, conceptual and epistemological presuppose of a discipline or field of knowledge shown up in the specialized literature to the use, with the purpose of establishing proposals and valid conclusions. The structure recommended for the reviews includes: introduction that emphasizes the principal topic, methods for bibliographical selection, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliographical references.
  3. Recensions[1]: It is a critical analysis of documents or books, indicating the author´s objective, its structure and focusing on aspects of its content. It´s about determining the purpose the author had when writing the document or book and to judge if the work achieves these aims.

Texts´ structure

  • The texts will be submitted, exclusively, in Spanish.
  • The minimal extension of the works will be 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages or 10.000 words.
  • Every text will be submitted with his respective title, summary and key words

Article`s title: It must contain the essential information of the work`s content. Its extension must vary between ten and twelve words that describes the scopes of the document with effectivy in the syntax and without strong grammatical requisites. As far as possible it has to avoid subtitles and abbreviations and eliminate words that do not contribute, like: study, description, report, etc.
Summary: It corresponds to a synthesized presentation of the content of the document on which it is explicated the objectives, approaches, methodology, type of analysis, etc. Its drafting has to consist of a coherent series of phrases and not of an enumeration of epigraphs or sections and; for the same reason, it mustn`t contain either any reference nor particular cite. Its maximum extension does not have to exceed 160 words
Key words: It refers to significant terms extracted, commonly, from the title or from the content of the document, with sustenance in the use of normalized describers. Between these words there have to be established specific relations (links between terms), generic (articulations with its conceptualization) and associative (manifestation of hierarchy between the terms) owned by the scientific acquis of the area

  • The document will contain, in addition, the translation of the title, the summary and the key words in English, being headlined as abstract and key words, respectively.
  • In the first page, as footnote, it will appear the name and last names of the author or authors, the institution to which he/she/they belong and his/her/their e-mail.
  • The font that will be in use is Times New Roman 12, simply line spaced and margins of three centimeters, in Word Office format, letter size, in Windows OS.
  • All the not textual elements like tables, graphs, illustrations, etc., they will be inserted at the document´s own development.
  • In case of use footnotes, these will be limited exclusively to comments or cross-references, not for bibliographical cites or textual cites.

Directions for cites and references

  • The bibliographical references at the text will be indicated in brackets in the following way: (last name of the author/s, year); for example: (Apple, 2008). The textual cites will go within quotation marks and in italics if they are less than 40 words, will be inserted at the author´s same escritural composition and the identification of the source will go immediately after these with the following information: (Last name of the author, year of publication: page/s); for example: (Apple, 2008: 85).
  • The cites of 41 words or more will be transcribe separated from the principal body of the text, without using quotation marks, with letter size ten and left indentation of 1.5 cm. from the margin. The identification of the source, with the information already explained above, locates in the same way as in the cites of up to 40 words.
  • If in the text are presented two works of the same author that coincide in year of publication, these will differ with low case letters after the year, for example: (Apple, 2008a, 2008b).
  • The works of the same author, with different years of publication, have to be ordered from the oldest to the most recent (Apple, 2002, 2005, 2008).
  • If two or more works are cited with different authors, who have the same last name, the initial of the name has to be indicated to differentiate them (A. Gonzalez & B. Gonzalez).
  • When citing several authors to support the content of the presented article, these arrange in order alphabetical and separated by semicolon (Apple, 2008; Giroux, 2000; Zeichner, 2005).
  • If a referenced or cited text, belongs to two authors, there are mentioned both last names joined by one &; for example: (Martínez & Narodowski, 1998).
  • In case the authors are more than two and up to five, in the first opportunity they all are mentioned, but from the second reference, it uses the last name of the first author followed by the Latin expression et al. (in italic). In the final bibliography all the authors of the publication are mentioned.
  • For the works of six authors or more, it only mentions the last name of the first author followed by the Latin expression et al. (in italic). In the final bibliography all the authors of the publication are mentioned.

Bibliographical References:
The complete list of the bibliography used in the document (as reference or as cite), will be ordered in alphabetical order and in agreement to the following criteria APA:

  • Books

Apple, M. (2008). Ideología y currículo. Madrid: Morata.

  • Book Chapters

Ossenbach, G. (1998). Las transformaciones del Estado y la educación pública en América Latina en los siglos XIX y XX. En: Martínez, A. & Narodowski, M. (comps.). Escuela, historia y poder. Miradas desde América Latina. (pp. 121−147). Buenos Aires: Novedades Educativas.

  • Articles of journals catalogued by number

Flores, R. (2007). Representaciones de género de profesores y profesoras de matemática, y su incidencia en los resultados académicos de alumnos y alumnas. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, (43), 103−118.

  • Articles of journals catalogued by volume y number

Gervais, C. & Correa, E. (2009). Explicitación del saber de experiencia de los profesores en el contexto de las prácticas docentes: un marco conceptual y metodológico. Íkala. Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 9(15), 141−167.

  • Electronic sources

Elejalde, A. (2003). Educación y medios. Lima: PUCP. Recuperado de Historia y Poder. Miradas desde América Latina. (pp. 121−147). Buenos Aires: Novedades Educativas. 



Process to evaluate and approve articles:

Once an article is received, the editor of the journal will accuse the author his receipt, informing: 1) if the article fits in with the thematic area of the journal, 2) if its content ensues of interest for the journal and, 3) if it coincide with the formal requirements of presentation.
Attending to these previous, the article will be sent to three external assessors, to whom it corresponds, considering the opinion of the Editorial Committee, to take one of the following decisions: 1) acceptable article for his publication as its presented, 2) article to being published after minor amendments, 3) article to being published with substantive corrections and,) not publishable article.

  1. Accepted article: the text may be published as its presented or with some publishing amendments of format and style.
  2. Article accepted with minor changes: the text needs of minor modifications without the need of a new evaluation.
  3. Article accepted with major changes: the text needs of substantial modifications and must be evaluated again.
  4. Rejected article: the text does not accomplish to the requirements of the journal and; in consequence, it cannot be published.

This process of review and arbitration will use the system of double blind, thus neither the author nor the reviser know the identity of other one.
In an eventual way the editor, or the Editorial Committee as a whole, they will be able to formulate some general suggestions to the authors before sending it to review by the system of arbitration. In the same way, it can take directly the decision to reject a manuscript and not send it to review if it stablishes that it does not fits with the content and format of the journal. In the event of this situation it will be communicated opportunely to the collaborators of the journal.
The Journal "Investigación y Negocios", reserves the right to realize the editorial changes and of style that it considers to be convenient, without modifying the ideas and the analytical scheme of the author



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