ISSN 1994-3733
versión impresa
ISSN 2411-0566
versión on line


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Basic Information

"Perspectives" is an academic and scientific research journal focused on economic and business sciences. Its main objective is to create a communication space to promote dialogue between the Catholic University of Bolivia and the private business sector, academic and research institutions, public institutions and sectors of society interested in economic development and entrepreneurship.

In the magazine you can find articles, economics, management, business, information systems, management, innovation and entrepreneurship, finance and accounting, leadership, organizational development, marketing and sales and related topics. Jobs safely are useful for professionals and students of economics and business.


The PERSPECTIVES magazine has three sections,

1. Scientific articles,
2. University Business and Society,
3. Topics Situation and Reflection

Each of which is described below.
Scientific articles

To inform the scientific community of the country progress and results achieved in the research projects being carried out in the UCB and other universities and institutions.

Researchers provide a means to publish the accomplishments they have achieved in their work.

Serve as an example and motivation for those who have inclinations towards research in economics and business.

University, Business and Society

Establish and maintain a link with other universities, companies and social organizations in general.

Having students and teachers racing business studies updated on the activities of organizations, businesses, and its performance and prospects.

Topics Economic Situation and Reflection

Discuss issues of the economic situation, business, social and other related interest to the country and the Department.

Develop proposals that contribute to reading and discussion of issues of social, economic and business interest



Osvaldo Gutiérrez Andrade

Scientific articles

Milton Coca Carasila y Edwin Calla Villegas

University, Business and Society

Marcos Delgadillo Moreira

Topics Economic Situation and Reflection

Marcelo Quiroga Soria




Frequency: Semiannual.
Format: 21 x 15.5 cm


Information Services

The articles published in Ecology in Bolivia are indexed or summarized by:

  • Latindex
  • Periòdica
  • Dialnet



All rights reserved Ecologìa en Bolivia



The publication of the magazine is financed by:
  • El Instituto de Ecologìa.


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© 2015 Perspectivas

Calle M. Marquez esquina Parque J. Trigo A.
Apartado postal 5381 Cochabamba Bolivia
Teléfono: (591) 4-4293100
Fax: (591) 4-4291145
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