ISSN-L 1815-0276 (impresa) |
Basic information
Punto Cero is the
academic and scientific magazine of the Social Communication Sciences
Program at "San Pablo" Catholic University of Bolivia. It was created
in 1994 to specifically broach subjects of communication and culture,
and those of social sciences in general. It is part of the Ibero
American Network of Communication and Culture magazines. Even though its name is inspired from the German Hans Magnus
Enzensberger’s propositions, it does not entail the radical notion
suggested by this author in a postmodern- influenced context, by
declaring that the production of senses is set off from a complete
communicational vacuum and that meaning is produced only when the
receptor’s mind comes in contact with the messages. It is not the
contrary, either. Its mission is to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in communication sciences produced in Bolivia and Latin America, with quality internationally indexed criteria, in order to confirm the presence of the country and the region between the scientific and academic community of the world. In the first stage (1994/2003) it was published annually. Since
2003, it has been published semiannually. The first semester edition is
available in May. The second semester edition is available in November. The magazine publishes research results, case studies, argumentative essays, thought provoking or subject review articles, which deal with general communication topics and / or their relationships with culture, politics, education and development. Its title’s abbreviation is PC, which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes, captions, and bibliographical references.. |
Punto Cero is the academic and scientific magazine of the Social Communication Sciences Program at "San Pablo" Catholic University of Bolivia. The published articles are the responsibility of the authors and their use is permitted solely for academic purposes, provided that the authorship and source are mentioned. |
Institutional sponsors
The magazine publication is financed by: "San Pablo" Catholic University of Bolivia, Cochabamba Academic Unit – UCB/
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© 2014 | Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" |
Calle M. Marquez esquina Parque Trigo Andia - Tupuraya
Cochabamba - Bolivia
Tel.: 591- 4- 429 3100 int. 228