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Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science

 ISSN 2311-3766 ISSN 2311-2581




Research as the basis for change in education

Rosario Mireya Romero Parra1 

1Universidad Continental. Lima, Perú E-mail address: rromerop@continental.edu.pe

Research is the foundation of scientific knowledge, therefore, in higher education institutions, it is essential to give a primary role to this1. In this sense, research and teaching are closely related, and in university education they should be inseparable, since through research solutions can be offered to the problems presented in educational work, and through it, new scientific questions arise. That is why, it is vital that universities provide the necessary tools and guidance to teachers and students, so that they formalize and disseminate their scientific production, generated in many cases, in the classrooms.

On the other hand, all research projects must be attached to lines of research relevant to each community or district, to achieve the endogenous development of each province and these in turn are part of a research center by areas of Specialization2. It is important to note that new lines of research must have at least three approved projects and centers three lines generated in a specific area. In this sense, to promote endogenous development in the provinces, projects relevant to the requirements of the region must be generated, to meet their needs and enhance their strengths.

And considering the key elements to achieve educational excellence, where the center of the entire educational process is research, which is based on the actions of teachers, as well as that of students, to generate scientific production, but if it does not expand it is like doing nothing, so the final star in the process must be scientific dissemination.

In view of the above approaches, research must be given a leading role in all universities, to carry out the execution of the consecutive lines of action:

  • Encourage research in teachers and students.

  • Guide the actions of inquiry for scientific production.

  • Promote training and dissemination activities of science.

  • Strengthen links with leading institutions of Science and Technology.

  • Organize all research projects in their respective lines of action or research.

  • Generate research centers by specific areas.

  • Create new physical and digital journals, taking into account the quality indicators of SCOPUS and Web of Science (WoS).

  • Develop endogenous community projects with students and teachers.

  • Provide the necessary information on the administrative procedures to develop funded projects and the affiliation of scientific publications.

  • Participate in relevant scientific events with conferences and institutional presentations.

  • Among other actions or functions in favor of scientific production and dissemination.

It is relevant to highlight that, only by attending to these lines of action can the ranking of higher education institutions, nationally and internationally, be improved and demonstrate once again that, through research, they have the power of knowledge. And even more so in the current times of pandemic, where education carries an implicit process of updating and innovation through research, at the level of teachers and students.

Rosario Mireya Romero Parra

Universidad Continental

Lima, Perú

E-mail address: rromerop@continental.edu.pe

2022. Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science ® . Bolivia. All rights reserved.

Literatura citada

1. Morón-Marchena JA, Torres-Barzabal L. Investigación e innovación en Educación Social [Internet]. Barcelona: Editorial Octaedro; 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36006/16296Links ]

2. Campoverde-Villacis D, Bravo-Peláez N. La eficiencia de la gestión educativa y su impacto en la innovación del docente de la Institución Bárbara Alfaro. Digit Publ 2021;6(1):139-55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33386 /593dp.2021.2-1.532 [ Links ]

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