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Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales

Print version ISSN 2409-1618


LOPEZ BLANCO, Carlos; ESPINOZA ALMAZAN, Jorge Gabriel  and  TARQUI DELGADO, Marcelo. Production and forage quality of two oats (Avena sativa) varieties under cutting conditions. RIIARn [online]. 2023, vol.10, n.3, pp.39-47. ISSN 2409-1618.

In the Bolivian highlands, forage oats (Avena sativa L.) are important in livestock feeding, and despite adverse climatic factors (drought and frost) the production area is increasing; However, there are deficiencies in yield and nutritional quality due to the use of local seed and inadequate management. An alternative is the management of improved varieties, due to their better qualities. The objective of the study was to evaluate the production and forage quality of two varieties of cut oats, at the Choquenaira Experimental Station, Viacha, La Paz, Bolivia, during the 2020/21 campaign. The oat varieties evaluated were Águila and Texas (SEFO - Cochabamba). The variables were measured: yield, nutritional quality and production costs. For statistical analysis, the student t test was used (error ≤ 5 %). The results in yield were 18% less than the 2019/20 campaign, influencing the drought factor, the varieties (Águila and Texas) had statistical similarity, with yields of MV (38.05 and 39.81 t ha-1) and DM (10.99 and 10.98 t ha-1). The nutritional quality also presented little variation with good quality parameters in %CZ (7.19 and 6.01), %CP (7.71 and 7.33), %FB (26.07 and 24.98), %ADF (31.58 and 29.66) and %NDF (54.76 and 53.78) and regular quality in %EE (1.94 and 1.80). The production costs in the varieties showed unit cost of MV (0.26 and 0.25 Bs kg-1), profitability (90.29 and 98.73%) and B/C (1.90 and 1.99). In conclusion, a similar yield, nutritional quality with little variation, and low production cost were found, showing a positive balance.

Keywords : Avena sativa; varieties; yield; nutritional quality; cutting state.

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