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Revista Integra Educativa

versión On-line ISSN 1997-4043


SANTAMARIA-FREIRE, Edwin; SANTAMARIA-DIAZ, Edwin  y  VERDESOTO, Santiago. Web 2.0 tools in tutoring of university career. Rev. de Inv. Educ. [online]. 2015, vol.8, n.2, pp.126-141. ISSN 1997-4043.

Abstract The Ecuadorian education system has the visión of quality education at all levéis, so the Higher Education Act raises the structural basis of universities, one of the students' academic activities are also cali student tutoring or support such activity. It provides academic support to students. Looking determine the impact of using Web 2.0 tools in academic education of college students. It is consider as a sample of students studying the career of Business Administration degree, where the comparison group with web 2.0 tools and a control group was use to establish differences. The experience found significant evidence of decreased dropout and improvement in performance of the study group influenced by the student accompaniment using digital tools

Palabras clave : Education; Formal Education; Mentoring; Academic Performance.

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