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vol.3 número2Sistema de compostaje para el tratamiento de residuos de hoja de coca con la incorporación de tres activadores biológicos, en el centro experimental de KallutacaEvaluación de metales pesados en el proceso de compostaje orgánico de residuos de hojas de coca índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Journal of the Selva Andina Biosphere

versión impresa ISSN 2308-3867versión On-line ISSN 2308-3859


SANCHEZ-YANEZ, Juan Manuel; ALONSO-BRAVO, Jennyfer Nayeli; DASGUPTA-SCHUBER, Nabanita  y  MARQUEZ-BENAVIDES, Liliana. Bioremediation of soil contaminated by waste motor oil in 55000 and 65000 and phytoremediation by Sorghum bicolor inoculated with Burkholderia cepacia and Penicillium chrysogenum. J. Selva Andina Biosph. [online]. 2015, vol.3, n.2, pp.86-94. ISSN 2308-3867.

In soil spill a high concentration of waste motor oil (WMO) it´s causing lost soil fertility, which is solved by remediation, but is expensive and polluting, an ecological alternative is bioremediation (BR) by biostimulation follow by phytoremediation (PY) with Sorghum bicolor using Burkholderia cepacia and Penicillium chrysogenum, promoting growth plant microorganisms (PGPM) at concentration value below to the maximum according to NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003 de 4400 ppm/Kg soil. The objectives of this research were a) bioremediation of soil contaminated by high WMO concentrations by biostimulation with mineral solution and Vicia sativa as green manure (GM), and subsequent b) phytoremediation by S. bicolor with B. cepacia and P. chrysogenum to reduce remaining WMO at concentration below to maximum according to NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003. The results showed that biostimulation with mineral solution and V. sativa reduced WMO from 55000 to 33400 ppm, and from 65000 to 24300 ppm. Follow by PY by S. bicolor with B. cepacia and P. chrysogenum decreased WMO from 33400 ppm to 210 ppm, and from 24300 ppm to 360 ppm, compared to soil as negative control in which WMO did not change by natural attenuation. This suggests that to integrate BR and PY is an ecological option instead to apply chemical technique expensive and causing environmental pollution.

Palabras clave : Cometabolism; rhizomicroorganisms; plant physiology; phytodegradation.

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