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versión impresa ISSN 2310-0265


GUTIERREZ DURAN, María del Pilar; MAMANI MAYTA, Deysi Danitza  y  GONZALES DAVALOS, Eduardo. Evaluation of the extracts of Amaranthus caudatus (Amaranto), Lupinus mutabilis (Tarwi) and Linum usitatissimum (Linaza), on the Alloxane-induced hyperglycemia in mice. Rev.Cs.Farm. y Bioq [online]. 2019, vol.7, n.2, pp.21-28. ISSN 2310-0265.

Abstract The prevalence of diabetes mellitus increases worldwide reaching 592 million diabetics in 2035; Likewise, the WHO projects that deaths due to diabetes double between the years 2005 and 2030 (WHO, 2016). In Bolivia, traditional medicine reports medicinal plants to which hypoglycaemic properties have been attributed, however in many cases there are no scientific studies to support these properties. This study was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of Amaranthus caudatus (amaranth), Linum usitatissimum (Linseed) and Lupinus mutabilis (tarwi) on the hyperglycemia induced by alloxan in experimental animals. Mice with hyperglycemia (glycemia>10 mmol/L) were administered a dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight orally of each hydro-ethanolic extract obtained from the grains of A. caudatus, L. usitatissimum and L. mutabilis. Glucose levels were measured before and after the administration of the extracts. The hydro-ethanol extracts significantly decreased (p <0.05) the plasma glucose at four and two hours after its administration. The extract of A. caudatus decreased the plasma glucose from 380 mg / dl to 260 mg / dl, the extract of  L. mutabilis decreased the plasma glucose from 310 mg / dl to 167 mg / dl, and the extract of L. usitatissimum decreased Plasma glucose from 210.57 mg / dl to 168.14 mg / dl. The extract of L. mutabilis was the one with the highest activity on the hyperglycemia induced by alloxan.

Palabras clave : Hyperglycemia; alloxan; Amaranthus caudatus; Lupinus mutabilis; Linum usitatissimum.

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