Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
Rev. Bol. Quim v.24 n.1 La Paz 2007
Marcelo Bascopea b *, Olov Sternera.
a Department of organic chemistry, Lund University, PO Box 124, S-22100 Lund, Sweden.b Centro de Tecnología Agroindustrial, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba Bolivia.
Corresponding author:
A research concerning the medicinal plants reported by the association of traditional medicine in Apillapampa-Bolivia was done; this review covers all the phytochemical scientific information reported for the 158 species reported as medicinal plants until September 2005. The results indicate that 16 % have been deeply studied, 10% was moderately studied, 17% was barely studied, and near the 45% were not studied at all. Among the plants that have some studies only 46 % have shown to be subjected to some kind of biological activity screening. The results show that the Andean traditional medicine is a barely studied field and pretends to serve as a guide for future phytochemical research.
Key words: Traditional medicine, review,
Se hizo un resumen de la investigación relacionada con las plantas medicinales reportadas por la asociación de medicina tradicional de Apillapampa Bolivia (AMETRAC), el resumen cubre toda la información fitoquímica reportada para las 158 especies de plantas medicinales hasta septiembre del 2005. Los resultados indican que el 16% han sido extensamente estudiadas, 10 % moderadamente estudiada, 17 % vagamente estudiadas y cerca al 45 % no ha sido estudiada en lo absoluto. Entre las plantas que tienen algunos estudios solo el 46 % han sido sometidos a algún tipo de ensayos de actividad biológica. Los resultados aquí presentes muestran que la medicina tradicional andina es un campo muy poco estudiado y pretende ser una guía para futuras investigaciones fitoquímicas.
In the quest for new lead compounds in the pharmaceutical industry, natural products have been a starting point of drugs and drug leads, 61% of the 877 small-molecule new chemical entities introduced as drugs worldwide during 19812002 can be traced to or were inspired by natural products[3].
In our attempts to validate the traditional medicine, we present in this article a review of the information available for the different plants presented in the book mentioned before trying in this way; to confirm the properties assigned to the plants, describe the phytochemical composition, analyze the scope of the studies done, and open new research lines based on the information available.
Information research
The ethno botanic information was collected from the book Plantas medicinales para la atencion primaria de la salud by Ina Vandebroek, Evert Thomas and AMETRAC (Association of traditional medics) from
For a better understanding of the terminology used in the present work, and avoid speculations we have made some definitions concerning to different terms used in the present article; Ethno botanic knowledge, is referred to information obtained from a reliable source, a scientific publication or public report collected from a traditional medic or person trained in the field, Scientific information is any material published in a scientific media, indexed in any of the databases mentioned above. Phytochemical research is any research concerning with metabolites from the plant.
To describe the extent of research done for each plant, a query for the scientific information available to September 11th 2005 was made, the plants were classified in four major groups; a) Highly studied plants (more than 50 references), b) Studied plants (between 10 and 50 references), c) barely studied (at least 1 phytochemical research reference) and d) no Studied, where non phytochemical research was found, a sumary can be found in Table 1.
Table 1. Classification of plants based on information available.
ID | GROUP | Number of components | |
A | Highly studied plants | 28 | |
B | Studied plants | 19 | |
C | Barely studied | 31 | |
D | non phytochemical research | 80 | |
We identify the vegetal distribution between the medicinal plants on the study area, the book reports 168 plant species and 3 lichens described, all the species represent 54 different familys see table 2. The most dominant families are the Asteraceae, solanaceae, Fabaceae, lamiaceae and scrophulariaceae, all together represent 49.1 % of the total population of the plants, 8 specimens couldnt be completely identified two of them seem to be new species, but at the moment the book was published were not confirmed as new species and were not included in the results on the present review. We based the study in the 158 species that have a complete botanical identification.
Table 2. Genus distribution of medicinal plants in apillapampa.
No | FAMILY | Specimens | % | No | FAMILY | Specimens | % | ||
1 | Asteraceae | 42 | 26.6 | 16 | Ranunculaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
2 | Solanaceae | 13 | 8.2 | 17 | Polygonaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
3 | Fabaceae | 13 | 8.2 | 18 | Passifloraceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
4 | Lamiaceae | 9 | 5.7 | 19 | Loasaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
5 | Scrophulariaceae | 7 | 4.4 | 20 | Iridaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
6 | Cactaceae | 5 | 3.1 | 21 | Geraniaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
7 | Verbenaceae | 4 | 2.5 | 22 | Euphorbiaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
8 | Rosaceae | 4 | 2.5 | 23 | Ephedraceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
9 | Mycophycophyta | 4 | 2.5 | 24 | Caryophyllaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
10 | Adiantaceae | 4 | 2.5 | 25 | Brassicaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
11 | Poaceae | 3 | 1.9 | 26 | Berberidaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
12 | Malvaceae | 3 | 1.9 | 27 | Apiaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
13 | Loranthaceae | 3 | 1.9 | 28 | Anacardiaceae | 2 | 1.3 | ||
14 | Rubiaceae | 2 | 1.3 | 29 | Valerianaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
15 | Rhamnaceae | 2 | 1.3 | 30 | Tropaeolaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
Table 3. Cont. Genus distribution of medicinal plants in apillapampa.
No | FAMILY | Specimens | % | No | FAMILY | Specimens | % | ||
31 | Sapindaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 43 | Crassulaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
32 | Santalaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 44 | Commelinaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
33 | Rutaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 45 | Chenopodiaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
34 | Primulaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 46 | Buddlejaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
35 | Polypodiaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 47 | Bromeliaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
36 | Plantaginaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 48 | Begoniaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
37 | Piperaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 49 | Basellaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
38 | Oxalidaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 50 | Ascepiadaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
39 | Krameriaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 51 | Araceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
40 | Gentianaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 52 | Amaryllidaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
41 | Equisetaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 53 | Amaranthaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
42 | Cuscutaceae | 1 | 0.6 | 54 | Alstroemeriaceae | 1 | 0.6 | ||
The group A is characterized by plants widely distributed in the world, something that can be explained by the introduction of them during the conquest of the
Groups B and C, however, were at the center of this research. A brief review about each species considering what sort of extract was studied (e.g essential oils), the main constituents and their biological activities was prepared. Where no specific compounds were studied we indicate what sort of extract was studied i. e. Essential oil (ESO), Oleoresin, alcoholic extract, etc. Group B contains 19 species of which 16 are in focus for at least one phytochemical report, the three remaining species didnt have any one.. It is important to note that biological activity was reported only for 10 plants in this group. Table 3 summarizes the results obtained from this group. Several of the studies reporting biological activity are based only of screening of crude extracts or essential oils, only in a few cases the active compounds had been identified. Most of those cases are report on new substances. Group C contains 31 species; only 12 of these are reported with some specific biologic activity. The most of the studies are related with studies of the essential oils. 17 species are only covered by one phytochemical report, describing a few compounds.
Group C contains 31 species, only 12 of these are reported with some specific biologic activity. The most of the studies are related with studies of the essential oils. 17 species are only covered by one phytochemical report, describing a few compounds. see table 4. 17 species have only one phytochemical report describing few compounds.
From a total of 168 species reported by the traditional medics from Apillapampa 16 % have been deeply studied, 10 % was moderately studied, 17 % was barely studied (less than 2 phytochemical related studies), and near the 45 % were not studied at all. Among the plants that have some studies (group B and C) only 46 % have shown to be subjected to some kind of biological activity screening.
It is clearly show in this study that there is a big unexplored field from medicinal plants from the Bolivian traditional medicine. Due the big diversity and importance of traditional medicine in Bolivia, more studies concerning traditional plants must carried on, the results found in this research indicated that plants showed biological activity in different fields and could be an important contribution to attenuation of health problems in Bolivia.
Table 4. Group B Studied plants, description of different studies done.
Specie | Studies | Main constituyents | Biological activity reported | |
1 | xanthium spinosum | 15 | Atractyloside[4], sesquiterpene lactones4 [5] [6] [7] [8] [9], diterpene glycosides[10] | Antitumor5, Antimicrobial7, Toxic4 |
2 | Baccharis dracunculifolia | 10 | Cinnamic acids [11], flavonoids11 glycosides[12] [13] ESO[14] [15] [16] | |
3 | cestrum parqui | 10 | Phenols [19]nor-isoprenoids[20], spirostanol [21], saponins [22], kaurene glycocides[23] [24] | molluscicidal22 , toxic [25] |
4 | aloysia gratissima | 8 | Nematicidal26 virucidal27 antimicrobial 29 | |
5 | solanum abutiloides | 8 | Sesquiterpenoids[33] , steroidal glycosides[34] [35] [36] cholestane glycosides [37] [38] [39], alkaloids[40] | anti-fungal33 , anti-herpes[41] |
6 | Apium Leptophyllum | 8 | hydroxybenzofuran Acid[42], volatil oil [43][44] , phenolics[45], furanocoumarin[46] [47] [48] [49] | Antimicrobial 43 |
7 | Satureja Boliviana | 7 | Phenols[50] ESO[51] [52] [53] [54] [55] terpenes[56], flavonoids56 | |
8 | Baccharis genistelloides | 6 | Anthi-arthritic[63], gastric cytoprotection57, antiviral[64] | |
9 | Zanthoxylum coco | 5 | Coumarin[65], pyranoquinoline65 [66] Alkaloids[67] [68], Seed's oil[69] [70] | |
10 | passiflora mollissima | 4 | Naringenin[71],Passifloricins[72] , alpha Pyrones72, glycosidically bound Eugenol[73] Methyl salicylate73, volatile constituyents[74] | |
11 | Schkuhria pinnata | 4 | Sesquiterpene lactones[75] [76],terpenes[77],sterol[78], triterpenols78 | |
12 | Equisetum giganteum | 3 | no antibacterial80, nerve growth factor related81 | |
13 | rumex conglomeratus | 2 | ||
14 | ligaria cuneifolia | 2 | cell growth regulators84, inmunobiological85 | |
15 | ullucus tuberosus | 1 | triterpenoid saponins[86] | hypoglycemic activity86 |
16 | Prosopis laevigata | 1 | Flavonoids[87] | |
17 | Bromus unioloides | 0 | No phytochemical research | |
18 | Anoda Cristata | 0 | No phytochemical research | |
19 | Nicotiana otophora | 0 | No phytochemical research | |
Table 5. Group B Studied plants, description of different studies done.
Specie | Studies | Main contituyents | Biological activity reported | |
1 | Mutisia acuminata | 4 | Antimicrobial[90], no significant wound healing activity[91] | |
2 | Plazia daphnoides | 5 | Caffeic acid esters[92],diterpenes[93],coumarin derivatives93ESO[94] [95] [96] [97] | |
3 | Ephedra | 2 | ||
4 | Dunalia brachyacantha | 3 | sesquiterpenes[100], withanolides100 [101] [102], flavanones100 | antiparasite100, antibacterial100,antifungal100, trypanocidal101 |
5 | Solanum tripartitum | 2 | tumor inhibitors104 | |
6 | Minthostachys andina | 3 | ||
7 | Chuquiraga parviflora | 2 | ||
8 | Melilotus indicus | 2 | ||
9 | Tagetes pusilla | 2 | antitumor112, insecticidal113,antiviral[114] ,antiinflamatory[115] | |
10 | Eryngium paniculatum | 3 | carcer therapy[118] | |
11 | Colletia spinosissima | 3 | ||
12 | Cortaderia rudiuscula | 1 | Triterpene methyl esthers[122] | |
13 | Lepechinia graveolens | 2 | Antioxidant activity123 | |
14 | Lycianthes lycioides | 1 | crude extract[125] | cytotoxicity screening125 |
15 | Caiophora canarinoides | 1 | Seed oil[126], stearidonic acids126, gama linoleic acid126 | |
16 | Caiophora chuquitensis | 1 | Xanthine[127], sweroside127, rutin127, shikimic acid127, kaempferol 127 | Atioxidant activity127 |
17 | Salvia haenkei | 2 | ||
18 | Hedeoma mandoniana | 2 | insecticidal activity130 | |
19 | Otholobium pubescens | 1 | Bakuchiol[132] | antihyperglycemic activity132 |
20 | Berberis boliviana | 1 | Alkaloids[133] | hair loss treatment[134] |
21 | Ambrosia arborescens | 1 | hypoglicemicand hyperinsulinemic effects135 | |
22 | Ophryosporus charua | 1 | ||
23 | Proustia cuneifolia | 1 | ||
24 | Senecio pampeanus | 1 | Alkaloids[141] | |
25 | polylepis besseri | 1 | ESO[142] | |
26 | Gentiana Sedifolia | 1 | Xanthones[143] | |
27 | Tessaria fastigiata | 1 | Sesquiterpenes[144], flavonoids144 | |
28 | Senecio clivicolus | 1 | terpene derivatives[145] | |
29 | Flourensia riparia | 1 | Sesquiterpene lactones[146], septuplinolide146 | |
30 | Verbesina semidecurrens | 1 | Eudesmane derivatives[147] | |
31 | Mutisia orbignyana | 1 | methylcoumarin[148] |
The authors are grateful to the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and its research division SAREC, for the economical support of this work.
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