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vol.3 número2Metodología para la determinación de un Factor de Emisión de Material Particulado (FEPM) en Chircales de la Sabana de BogotáEstandarización de métodos de cultivo y exposición para estudios de biomonitoreo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Nova

versión On-line ISSN 1683-0789


SILVA COTRINA, José  y  MONTOYA CABRERA, Zarela. Análisis de la relación entre el comportamiento estacional de los contaminantes sólidos sedimentables con las condiciones meteorológicas predominantes en la zona metropolitana de Lima-Callao durante el año 2004. RevActaNova. [online]. 2006, vol.3, n.2, pp.398-411. ISSN 1683-0789.

Using data of atmospheric pollution dust registered in a network of 24 sample points, suitably distributed into the atmospheric basin of Lima-Callao Metropolitan Area and spatially analyzed related to the diary and annual meteorological and climatic cycle registered throughout the four season periods of 2004 in the Jorge Chavez Airport weather and radiosondaje station; three persistent cells or critical zones can be showed with nucleus values of 37,7; 22,6 and 25 t/km2/month for february (summer), 30,3; 17,5; and 25 t/km2/month for april (fall), 20,7;18,3 and 25,5 t/km2/month for august (winter) and 23,0; 29,0 and 25,5 t/km2/month for september (spring). The behavior described is in close relation with the variations of height of the subsidence thermal inversion layer base throughout the year, which in summer is in 669 m and the air pollution get worse, while in winter is in 848 m and the air quality relatively get better. Moderate winds of the SSW in the marines breeze form that disperses to the polluting agents cleaning the air of the coastal strip and at the same time accelerate the suspension and re-suspension process, were observed with a frequency of 27% in summer and 19% in winter in the critical zones in which it has been registered the greater.

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