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Revista de Investigacion Psicologica

versión On-line ISSN 2223-3032


DE LA GARZA MONTEMAYOR, Daniel Javier; HERNANDEZ PAZ, Abraham A.  y  PALACIOS CORONILLA, Gerónimo Emmanuel. Effects of social media on the political, efficacy, social capital and political participation of university students in México and Colombia. Revista de Psicologia [online]. 2018, n.19, pp.95-110. ISSN 2223-3032.

Abstract Academic studies on the effects of social media on conventional political participation have increased in recent years. There are two dimensions that appear constantly in this line of emerging research: the construction of social capital and the sentiment of political efficacy. In this study, two groups of university students from different Latin American countries (Mexico and Colombia) are compared around their responses of actions that confirm their sentiment of political efficacy, as well as the elements that allow them to construct social capital with the help of the media, social. In the same way, these concepts are related to their participation inside and outside social media. Among the conclusions we found that there were no great variations between the two groups that participated in the study. However, the results confirm a trend that has been identified in other similar projects: political participation inside and outside social media has a strong relationship with each other, as well as with the constructs of social capital and political efficiency.

Palabras clave : Political Participation; social networks; Internet,; Social Capital; Political Efficacy.

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