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vol.10 número15El Sistema de Gestión de Marca en el Sector del Ocio y La Ventaja Competitiva Caso de Estudio: Club Amnesia (Ibiza - España)Análisis Financiero Histérico-Prospectivo de La Cooperativa de Telecomunicaciones Sucre (COTES Ltda) 2016-2022 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Investigación y Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2521-2737


MENDOZA PACHECO, Lizbeth. Publicidad digital y redes sociales dirigidas a jóvenes de la ciudad de Sucre. Investigación y Negocios [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.15, pp.186-198. ISSN 2521-2737.

Thanks to the technological revolution, advertising has expanded its creative horizons towards the cyber world by offering greater visibility to companies by allowing them to convey in their advertising messages the goals or simply the strategies that companies use for their different products. The companies in general saw that the digital world is a new option to be able to achieve a better approach to their clients therefore it was pertinent to carry out research considering how digital advertising reaches to impact on the young being that they are considered as digital natives, in addition It was also considered that this segment has a high presence in social networks and use web tools with greater ease. In this sense, the present work was developed to determine the impact of digital advertisingon social networks, given that the consumption of these ads is high among young people in the city of Sucre. To this effect was carried out with 383 respondents with the application of the questionnaire of digital advertising and the interview tothree professionals related to the career of Commercial Engineering. The research was based on three methods among which are the inductive, the statistical and clear the bibliographic. Although these methods allowed to generate the analysis of the information and to obtain to have a stable base of the thematic all the investigation would be considered like explanatory. Amongtheobtained resu Its, itwasdetermined that the habits of consumption of goods or services and the use of different tools in the web or of the presence in social networks show that in our city the social network of greater preference undoubtedly is Facebookconsideringthat Has a high percentage of users. The emergence of Web 3.0 has generated a greater flow of advertising on the web taking into account several relevant aspects among which could be mentioned the message, the color of the message, the use of images or short videos when displaying the advertising of a product The companyspecifies

Palabras clave : Digital advertising; social networks; youth; impact; marketing; Sucre; consumer preference; tastes and preferences.

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