ISSN 2072-9294 ISSN 2072-9308 |
During the elaboration of the works rule the follow norms: The manuscript (including tables and references) must be written in Times New Roman 12 cpi character and in letter size paper sheets, with left and right margin, superior and inferior 2.5 cm, double space. Values must come in measure tiff, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Tables and figures must come in a separate document. Puting together the full article. It must be organized as follow: ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Authors: There are no graduations or titles, in case that the authors wish to appear with both last names they must use a hyphen between them. The full name and address of the center or institution where each author works. The P.O. Box, phone number, fax and E-mail of each one of the authors. This page will also contain the correspondence of the designed author. Abstract: A maximum extension of 250 words. The purpose of the study or investigation will be indicated, the more important results and the principal conclusions. Emphasize in the new and important aspects of the study or the observations. Key words: There will be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 key words used in the index medicus (Medical Subject Heading). Available in <http://www.ncbi.nlm.> The text of the work must be divided in the follow epigraphs: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Thankfulness. Specially complex articles can include additional explanations in some sections to help the comprehension of its content. Introduction: It must determinate the purpose of the study, resume the logic foundation of the study or observation. It has to mention the strictly and pertinent references, without making an extensive revision of the subject. Do not include data or conclusions of the work you are giving to know, detail what new advances were obtained though the investigation. In the final paragraph you must expose the objectives of the work, in a clear and concrete way. Materials and Methods: The work has to describe clearly the way the experiments or subjects observed or that participated in the experiments were selected (patients, laboratory animals, witness included, biological material). It must identify the methods, apparatus (name and address of the manufacturer in parenthesis) and the procedures with enough details so that other investigators could reproduce the results easily.
Ethic: For the description of the experiments related with human beings, it has to be indicate that the followed procedures are those described in the ethic norms of the responsible committee of human experimentation (institutional or regional) and it has to be consistent with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, revised in 1983.
Statistics: The statistics methods with sufficient details must be described. You must quantify the results and present them with appropriate error or incertitude indicators of measure (for ex., confidence stretch). You must not accept just the proofs about the compotation of the statistic hypothesis, like the use of p values, that don’t transmit important quantitative information. Results: They must offer a concise description about the new information discovery, with a minimum of personal judgment. Do not repeat the text in all the data contained in the tables and illustrations, the results must be presented following a logic sequence, detach or resume only the most important observations. They must be presented in a logic sequence with the help of tables and figures, unnecessary repetitions of the results expressed in figures and tables must be avoided and only rebound the more relevant data. Figures: They must be clearly marked with high contrast; the enlargement in black and white, bright paper in case of presenting slides, ciphers must be consecutive with Arabic numbers. Scales are indicated by a line or bar in the image, and it is included in the title if necessary (for ex., bar = 1 mm, etc.) and graphics must fit one column (8 cm) of width or the total of the page (16.5 cm) and it must be less than the full page so the title or legend can be included. Letters and numbers of the figures have to be legible before the reduction of size or the impression. Illustrations in color can only be accepted if the authors accept an extra money charge. Besides, a color photograph is published in the title-page of each remembrance number, and the authors are invited to present for consideration of the journal the illustrations with the title of their manuscripts to be in the cover. Tables: They must be complementary and not duplicate the text. They must be numerated with Roman numbers. A title and a short description may appear in the top of each table (identified with the letters a, b, c, etc.), without explanations or notes at the feet of the page. Discussion: It must emphasize the new and most important aspects of the study and in the conclusions resulting of it. Do not repeat with details the data or other information already presented in the introductory or results sections. You must explain the meaning of the results and their limitations, including their consequences for the future investigation that could stimulate other authors to solve it. You must make a relation of the observations with the ones of other pertinent studies. The nexus of the conclusions with the study objectives must be established but abstain of making general affirmations and of making conclusions that are not completely supported buy the data. Do not claim any kind of origin and do not mention any unfinished work. You must propose any new hypothesis when there is any justification for it, but identify them clearly. Recommendations can be included if they are considered appropriate. Thankfulness: In one or several statements you can specify the following: a) the collaboration that must be recognized but do not justify the recognition as an author, as the general support of the department´s chief; b) the recognition for the technical help; c) the thankfulness for the material and economic support, specifying the inclination of it. People that collaborated intellectually in the article but whose participation do not justify the recognition as an author, can be cited by their names, indicating the functions or the kind of collaboration; for example, “scientific advising”, “critic revision of the study proposition”, “data recollection” or “participation in the clinic test”. This people have to give the permission to be named. Authors are responsible for obtaining the written authorization of the named people in the thankfulness section, because lectors can deduce they support the data and conclusions. The recognition for the technical help will figure in a separated paragraph of the testimonies of thankfulness for other contributions. Interest Conflict: Authors also have to indicate any economic relation that may exist that could represent an interest conflict in relation with the work printed in this journal. In the case of patronized studies, the authors have to indicate if they had full access to the data and they take responsibility for the integrity and the exactitude in it´s analysis Literature cited: Only those that appear in the text must have a reference. Not published works, must be cited but if they have an acceptation for their publication. Those works must be cited as “in press”, in that case, a letter of acceptation must be given by the journal. Not published data must be cited in the text as “not published observations”, in which case a letter with permission from the author must be presented. In the text the bibliographic references of the authors must be mentioned in lower-case followed by the year, in chronologic order. CITES THRU THE WHOLE TEXT: In the text, use the last name of the author and the year:
With two authors, the way is:
When there are more than two authors, only the first one is mentioned:
Number the first six authors followed by et al. (Note: NLM now number all the authors).
As an option, if the journal has a continuous pagination (as most part of the medical journals does) the month and the number of the sample can be omitted.
More than six authors:
(Note: The NLM translate the title to the English, include the translation between clasps, and add an abbreviation given to the language).
Made by a financial/patronize agency:
Made by a performer agency:
Other published material.
Published Law.
Project of a law not promulgated.
Federal code or regulation.
(Note: NLM prefers “for appearing” because not allways the hole ítems will be pressed)
Electronic material.
Opened data base:
Closed data base:
MeSH Browser [database on the Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2002 - [cited 2003 Jun 10]. Meta-analysis; unique ID: D015201; [about 3 p.]. Available in: http:// Files updated weekly. Updated July 9, 2003 |
Remittance by e-mail instructions
For the remittance of the work the next rules must be followed: Include two pages, in the first one; in the superior and right corner write the full name and address of the author where the correspondence will be sent. If there is more than one author, using small capitals write the first name and last name of each author at length. For this last case in the first page must be written the name and address of the principal author of the work and the names of the collaborators in a second page. Add a third page with the title of the work in small-case (just the first letter of each word in upper-case); the scientific names must be written in small-case and Italic letters. If the article is in English, include a fourth page, beginning with the word RESUMEN in upper-case next to the left margin followed by a hyphen with the text in a single paragraph, leave a space and write the words PALABRAS CLAVE in upper-case, use minimum tree and maximum ten key words, they must be different from those of the title, separated with hyphens and final dots in the last word. Begin the fifth page with the word ABSTRACT in upper-case next to the left margin followed by a hyphen, writing the text in single paragraph. Do not repeat the title of the work. At the end of the abstract, leave a space, and mention the key-words, following the instructions mentioned for the Resume. From page six, begin with the Introduction without writing this word. The title must be written in small-case, with the initials in upper-case, in the center with bold-face, without a dot at the end of the introduction. The following pages must contain Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Titles must be written with small-case, with the initials in upper-case, in the center with bold-face, without a dot at the end of each word. In the next page, if there is any, continue with the Thankfulness, the title must be written with small-case, with the initials in upper-case, in the center and with bold-face.Add the I surrender conflicts of interest. Begin a new page for the Cited Literature, according with the examples mentioned lines up. Begin a new page for the tables, each one must be sent in an independent page. Begin a new page with the list of the legends of the figures. Write the word Figure, just wit the initial in upper-case, followed with the number of the figure and a dot.. |
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Teaching & Biochemistry and Microbiology Investigation Department.
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Carmen Pampa Rural Academic Unit.
“San Pablo” Catholic Bolivian University
Coroico - Nor Yungas – La Paz, Bolivia.
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