ISSN 2959-9040



Basic Information

IMPULSO: Journal in Management, covers a wide swath of themes regarding administrative sciences including, but not limited to the following:

  • Strategic management and planning.
  • Human resources managemente and organizational development.
  • Financing and accounting.
  • Marketing and consumer behavior.
  • Operations and supply chains.
  • Entrepreunership and innovation.
  • Corporate government and business ethics.
  • Information technology and information systems.

The journal is aimed at researchers, scholars, students, management professionals and those interested in the progress of knowledge in the field of management and its practical applications. It has as a main mission contributing to the advance of knowledge in the management field, promoving rigorous research, academic innovation and the diffusion of ideas relevant to the academic and professional community

IMPULSO commits itself to keepting high quality, ethics and transparency standards on its reviewing and publishing process, in this way securing its relevance and stability in the field of administrative sciences.



IMPULSO is indexed in SCIELO - Bolivia. It also has been indexed in the following:



IMPULSO publishes its content under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, which allows other to share, reuse and adapt the content of its articles with non commercial purposes, as longs as the resulting product is under the same license and the original work is appropriately referenced. The authors retain the rights over their own articles, granting IMPULSO first publishing rights. The authors are in the capacity of making use of any version (sent, accepted or published) of their work and deposit it or publish it on repositories, personal or institutional sites or any other diffusion media.



Universidad Privada Domingo Savio


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Av. Unión 121 con Gareca, Villa Imperial de Potosí
Teléfono: (+591) 72 445 811
La Paz - Bolivia