ISSN 2959-9040



Articles must be sent to the OJS website for publishing at

The user must register to upload the submission following the instructions detailed in


Standards for articles to be accepted

Submission to the journal must comply with the following basic requirements:

  • Utilizar fuente Calibri en tamaño 12 puntos con interlineado sencillo.
  • Justificar el texto en ambos márgenes.
  • Evitar el uso de tabuladores y espacios adicionales entre los párrafos.
  • Permitir únicamente un espacio en blanco para separar secciones importantes, como el título, los nombres de los autores, los resúmenes, las palabras clave, los créditos y los encabezados.
  • Establecer márgenes de dos centimetros en todos los bordes de la página.
  • Presentar los trabajos en formato de Microsoft Word.
  • Font must be size 12 Calibri with simple line spacing.
  • Both margins must be justified.
  • Avoid using tabulators and additional spacing between paragraphs.
  • Allow a single blank space to separate important sections such as the title, authors names, abstracts, keywords, references and headings.
  • Establish a 2 cm margin on every page border.
  • Works must be sent in Microsoft Word format.

For each journal section, detailed requirements are explained in:


Process to evaluate and approve articles:

After receinving the manuscript, the correspondence author will receive a preliminary notification in a maximum of 40 days. This notification will indicate if the article is considered adequate to send for the peer reviewing process. If the article presents form deficiencies, it doesn't have a management or law thematic or if it has a high grade of similitud with other publications, the Editorial Board will reject the work without posibility of review. In case of minor form deficiencies, the author will be asked to provide corrections before starting with the reviewing process and the reception date will be counted starting with the corrected manuscript submission.

The articles will be academically evaluated by two experts. The reports will indicate the following recommendations: Accept the submission, Publishable with modifications, Send back for reviewing, Not publishable. Using the analysis for the reviewers it will be decided wether to accept or reject the publication of the articles. In the case of having differing results, the review process will be repeated, in which case the result will be definitive. The protocol used by the reviewers will be public (for Original articles, Review articles and Reflective articles).

The peer review will be done using the double blind method with the purpose of preserving the confidentiality and guarantee the anonimity between authors and reviewers.


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